Industry grants
Program Industrial Grants and SMEs in Aragon (PAIP)
The grants offered by PAIP focus on four specific areas:
- Regional investment grants: Investment in new assets, tangible or intangible, for the creation of a new business, the expansion of an existing business, the diversification of a business production into new additional products or an essential change in the overall production process of an existing business.
- Industrial research and experimental development investments
- Industrial research projects, which consist of planned research or critical studies aimed at acquiring new knowledge and skills that may be useful to develop new products, processes or services, or to considerably improve existing ones; includes the creation of complex system components and may include the construction of prototypes in a laboratory environment or in an environment with simulated interfaces with existing systems, as well as pilot lines, when necessary for industrial research and, in particular, for the validation of generic technology.
- Experimental development projects, consisting of the acquisition, combination, configuration and use of existing knowledge and techniques, of a scientific, technological, business or other nature, with a view to the development of new or improved products, processes or services. It may also include, for example, activities of conceptual definition, planning and documentation of new products, processes or services.
- Innovation grants The costs associated with obtaining, validating and defending patents and other industrial property rights may be eligible for a grant.
- Technical consulting services grants The costs of consultancy services of a technical nature contracted may be eligible for a grant. These services may not consist of permanent or periodic activities, nor shall they be related to the normal operating expenses of the company, such as routine tax advisory services, periodic legal services or advertising services.
- Regional investment grants in Industry 4.0:
Energy grant
This grant scheme is aimed at SMEs’ business projects that can be considered as industrial or related activity, or developing an economic activity of any kind, it has differentiated potential value added, economic or social, incentivising these through the promotion of productive investment, the development of R&D projects, innovation - protection of industrial property and the development of strategic consulting projects for competitive improvement and growth. Regarding the content and themes of grant requests, the scheme is specifically aimed at boosting Industry 4.0 in Aragon, as well as at the promotion of added value initiatives of SMEs, prioritising those projects that introduce innovative aspects, expansion of markets, increase of productivity and competitiveness or modernisation of production, logistics and commercial means. Special relevance is given to projects that are integrated and complementary with other instruments and measures promoted by areas of competence in terms of industry and SMEs of the different Public Administrations and, in a prominent way, those derived from the companies participating in the PAED council program (Home Based Business Support Program) and the state initiative Connected Industry 4.0, as well as those that align with the principles and industrial strategy guidelines agreed in the Board of Directors and Industry of Aragon.
Grants from Aragon’s Institute of Development (IAF)
Promotion and financing unit, grant schemes:
- Grant schemes for investment projects in the Teruel.
- Subsidies for municipal infrastructures in Teruel’s Coal Mining communities.
- Complementary grant schemes for industrial projects in Teruel.
- Grant Scheme for Business Projects in Mining Areas (MINER Plan)
- Attracting Investments
- Territorial Rebalancing Actions
- Business incubators
- Technology Parks
- Participant companies and foundations
- Finance office
Entrepreneurship unit
- Entrepreneur Advice Point (PAE)
- Training and awareness in entrepreneurship
- Training and awareness activities
- Virtual entrepreneur club in Aragon
- ARCE Network - Aragon Network of Entrepreneurship Centres
- Social Entrepreneurship Program
- Agrifood Entrepreneurship Program
- Entrepreneurship Program in Creative and Cultural Industries
- Sustainable Rural Entrepreneurship Program
- Entrepreneur Channel
- Starting Out Foundation in Aragon
- Forums, conferences and business meetings:Business Forum
- Awards: PILOT Excellence in Logistics Award, Aragon Gold Seal Company, Business Excellence Plan
- Business Plus Plan,for the promotion of business cooperation
- Development and Continuity Plan for Family Business
- Help lines of the Rural Development Program for Aragon 2014-2020
- Subsidies for investment in the wine sector
- Subsidies on the management of the supply of agri-food products and technical assistance to groups of producers provided by non-profit associations
- Subsidies for improving the marketing of agri-food products,
- Subsidies on the processing and marketing of fish products
- Subsidies for the promotion of wine in third county markets
- Subsidy for the Promotion of Agrarian Associative Structures
Tourism grants
Promotion, Planning and Tourist Studies service:
- Non-refundable grants for companies with tourism infrastructure activities.
- Subsidies for carrying out actions in terms of accessibility and removal of architectural and sensory barriers in infrastructure related to tourism.
- Infrastructure actions in areas of service or shelter for motorhomes
Financial help
- Aragon Exterior: Promotion and support for the internationalization processes of Aragonese companies
- Market studies, prospection, contacts, sectoral promotion
- Arex Network Program International network of Aragonese companies or companies linked to Aragon
- TeDex program: hiring technicians in Aragón or in the country of destination
- Telephone interpretation service
- Advice on international tenders
- Support for participation in international R & D & I projects
- Specialised support for SMEs to participate in the SME Instrument call for the Horizon 2020 Program
- Website:
- Society for the Industrial Development of Aragon (Sodiar)
SODIAR is the Society for Industrial Development of Aragon It is an instrument of the Department of Economy, Industry and Employment of the Government of Aragon designed to boost business activity, participating in initiatives that provide investment and generate employment in Aragon. Among the services offered to companies are:
- Equity interest:
- Minority: between 5% and 20%
- Temporary: normally 5 years.
- Signature of partners.
- Promise to repurchase by partners.
- Equity loans
- Depreciation: 5 years with 1 interest only.
- Interest: fixed tranche and variable tranche (depending on results)
- Avalia
Avalia is a financial institution dedicated to the granting of endorsements whose purpose is to provide SMEs and Freelancers with access to financing under the best conditions, as well as granting guarantees to the Administration and to third parties, and all this supplemented by the provision of the corresponding financial advice.
- Financial guarantees:
- Technical guarantees: